It’s been over a year since Speechless last blog so I thought I would bring you up to speed on his situation. He got his bike back he was right some tourist had taken his moped by mistake.
Speechless came back to the UK but couldn’t settle down in this country with all the bullshit that goes on here and returned to Cambodia.
However things had changed and it wasn’t the same anymore China has purchase large parts of the country and dramatically changed the country in what seemed a very short space of time.
So speechless returned again to the UK the last time I spoke to him he was working to pay off some debts he had, but was keen to start saving up some money, he wants to buy a boat and sail off into the sunset, and you know what he will do it , sometimes I don’t hear from him for months so we will see if achieves his ambition? knowing speechy he will.
Watch this space!
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