About Me

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I'm here to promote irresponsibility and endorse carelessness. I'm old enough to know better and young enough to still be reckless. I'm originally from the U.K but have spent long periods of time living abroad and travelling abroad. In all honesty I find the western world too clinically clean and sterile. How can anything thrive in such a sterile environment? My last six years have been spent stagnating, trying to fit into the social norm. I can't. I'm not normal and strange as it sounds, I'm proud of that. My sense of disconnect to something greater was depleting, so, I'm doing what I do best. Falling through life. I have no plans for the future, so lets see if the future has plans for me.Apart from that, I'm a bloke. I'm single, after all who the f@#k would put up with me? I enjoy adventure sports like paragliding, rock climbing, mountain biking and a little bit of caving. I generally make an effort to not to care less about life in general. https://steemit.com/@carp100

Blog Archive


Tuesday 1 November 2016

Please Sir, weed?' Sir, sir, you want smoke?'.

Blog 10

I'm staying at the Cambodia backpacker hostel, Siem Reap. I've only been here for a few days but Cambodia may possibly be my new favourite place. It is very laid back, even the roads, which are chaotic, are somehow laid back chaos and all the road users are so patient which each other. The Cambodian people are, so far. my favourite and it is the people that make or ruin a place. They seem happy and seem genuinely friendly. They are always joking with each other and when they smile at you, which is all the time. there does seem to be a genuine warmth behind it.

I will probably head to battambang next, which is supposed to be very nice. I ate a tarantula yesterday. It was delicious. It was bloody big. It's a bit of a touristy thing but I really wanted to try one.. The guy wanted a dollar for it. I wasn't paying that for it so I got him to throw a scorpion in for free, also very nice but not as nice as the tarantula. The scorpion as you would imagine was quite crunchy where as the tarantula was quite meaty with good taste that you can't quite put your finger on but I'm not paying that price every day. I will just treat myself occasionally. I saw a woman walking down the road yesterday with a clear plastic bag about the size of two shopping bags full of tarantulas. I think they are mainly out in the country but there must be a decent amount of them. I would quite happily pay one dollar for four and they're clearly not a rarity.
Cambodian drug pushers are so polite. 'Please Sir, weed?' Sir, sir, you want smoke?'.  So, all you surly, arrogant western pushers take a 'leaf' out of the Cambodians book and show your clients a bit of respect.
Going to Angkor Wat tomorrow
Speechless .