About Me

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I'm here to promote irresponsibility and endorse carelessness. I'm old enough to know better and young enough to still be reckless. I'm originally from the U.K but have spent long periods of time living abroad and travelling abroad. In all honesty I find the western world too clinically clean and sterile. How can anything thrive in such a sterile environment? My last six years have been spent stagnating, trying to fit into the social norm. I can't. I'm not normal and strange as it sounds, I'm proud of that. My sense of disconnect to something greater was depleting, so, I'm doing what I do best. Falling through life. I have no plans for the future, so lets see if the future has plans for me.Apart from that, I'm a bloke. I'm single, after all who the f@#k would put up with me? I enjoy adventure sports like paragliding, rock climbing, mountain biking and a little bit of caving. I generally make an effort to not to care less about life in general. https://steemit.com/@carp100

Blog Archive


Tuesday 25 October 2016

I have already reached the point of what is medically termed scenic saturation.

Blog 9

There is a small but beautiful beach at the top end of the island. The currents of the Mekong look quite unforgiving. Lapping up on the beach as if sniffing for foolish tourists. But more than the currents, it's the sand here that's the killer. It's a dark silty affair, possibly iron sand. It's so hot that by the time you're at the point of no return you realise what an absolute dick you were for leaving your sandals in your bike basket. I was fully expecting massive blisters.
I have already reached the point of what is medically termed scenic saturation. It often happens quite early on in the journey. It's quite common world-wide but is rampant in many parts of South East Asia. The first symptom is being somewhere beautiful this can be contracted by word of mouth or by reading about it, the first generally being the  more severe form. In all cases the patient can be seen staring off into the most stunning view without the eyes registering its full glory. Watching butterflies from a hammock is the only known cure. Recovery time depends on how early on it is spotted and the quality of your hammock. 
I  discovered I had it again after about twenty minutes of cycling through jungle on a dirt track I realised I had been cycling trough jungle on a dirt track for about twenty minutes. That makes perfect sense to me.
On the way back to Dondet I cycled through a small township/village. It has quite a shanty town feel to it certainly with the rutted out undulating main street/dirt track. I would have been locked up in England for this but I was filming a load of kids in a primary school. Now before all the accusations start flying, the reason I was filming was because in the school grounds was a condemned building in a severe state of decay. A good section of roof had collapsed and had vines growing up through it just getting a good finger hold before the next bit of natural demolition. During their playtime young children were sitting on the walls of this crumbling building while others ambled aimlessly inside or leaned against the doorless entrances. It was just everyday life passing by but this time with me thrown into the scenario. Its a nice island to get away to and slowly mooch around. I will probably go back in the next few days. I thought I was going to like it more than Dondet but I don't so there.