About Me

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I'm here to promote irresponsibility and endorse carelessness. I'm old enough to know better and young enough to still be reckless. I'm originally from the U.K but have spent long periods of time living abroad and travelling abroad. In all honesty I find the western world too clinically clean and sterile. How can anything thrive in such a sterile environment? My last six years have been spent stagnating, trying to fit into the social norm. I can't. I'm not normal and strange as it sounds, I'm proud of that. My sense of disconnect to something greater was depleting, so, I'm doing what I do best. Falling through life. I have no plans for the future, so lets see if the future has plans for me.Apart from that, I'm a bloke. I'm single, after all who the f@#k would put up with me? I enjoy adventure sports like paragliding, rock climbing, mountain biking and a little bit of caving. I generally make an effort to not to care less about life in general. https://steemit.com/@carp100

Blog Archive


Saturday 10 June 2017

Tarmac cheese grater

Blog 32

Hi all,  

Sorry for the last f#@ked up blog. 
I was just leaving the planet but my typing fingers had a mind of their own. My mind was f#@ked. I'm still f@#ked now but that's just from getting f#@ked tonight (and this afternoon.) 
Just did a super hero thing (drugf#@kerman With a big 'D' on my thermals). Some poor Cambo kid just came off his bike. Yeah and on a newly bit of gravelled road. F#@king cheese grater territory. Anyway, I pulled up on my bike, twatted out of my mind and took control of the situation. Smashed out of my face, six beers hanging from a bag on my handlebars and a big bag of dope in my pocket. 
No f#@king helmet to be seen. and I'm explaining to the policeman who arrived on the scene how to take a wrist pulse because all the guys around me (Cambodians) where trying to feel for a pulse and breathing, in his stomach. F#@k. Anyway, F#@k that, my headlight is like a f#@king tea light. I can't see f#@k all. So I f#@king booted it. Screaming through the gears. No helmet, full moon above me and I thought 'F#@k it. go for it. You can't have things like that put you off hooning it'. So I did. 
I may just be wandering here because I'm pretty f#@king f#@ked at the moment, although my writing ability is, as ever, impeccable, apart from the bits I'm f#@king up. So, Im still in Camf#@kingbodia. I f@#king love it. There are so few places where you can live in safe anarchy. I've just extended my visa for another three months, although my money won't last that long but my mate is possibly sorting me out with a teaching job (done it before in Indonesia). It starts off at eight dollars an hour, which is f@#k all but considering that I can rent a bungalow with a terrace/balcony for one hundred and thirty dollars a month and drink a cold draught beer for twenty five cents it starts looking really f#'king good. My mate, Dan, is the guy sorting the job. He's paying off credit in England by working in Cambodia. Something he wouldn't have been able to do if he was still working in England. F#@k me. What's going on there then? 
I'm not too sure of the place I'm in at the moment. I'm in a fishing village of about 200 people. We live on stilted buildings that jutt out into the river. It's f#@king cool. I'm the only westerner here. 
Shops, restaurants f#@k off in to town. The guy I'm staying with is f#@king cool as. 
As I arrived he was rolling up a joint. He pushed a big ice cream tub full of dope at me, then waved a massive bud under my nose wanting to know what I thought. After a sniff and a smoke I forgot what he asked me, so we smoked a heap more joints. The score is that he leaves the big box of dope by the stereo and I can help myself when I want. 
I have just now and I've got a monster burning between my fingers (there's f#@k all sexual about that. I'm talking about drugs). This is such a huge joint......  I did actually pause then because I've got the sweats on. 
Anyway, I'm just talking shit now so for a summary: I'm in Cambodia. I'm in a fishing village that probably has a name. my room is over the river so I can piss out of my window (if i rigged up something to hold on to I could take a shit as well. En suite). That's it. Boring otherwise. 